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Strategic Pillars

Strategic Pillars are the core areas of focus that support an organization's strategy and guide its actions to achieve long-term goals. Often set as multi-year goals, these pillars act as the foundation for decision-making, resource allocation, and prioritizing initiatives. They ensure that all efforts are aligned with the organization's mission and vision. As long-term goals, they aren't as actionable or specific as OKRs and often top-level organization wide OKRs will align to the strategic pillars and provide structure for how to make progress towards the long-term vision.

Check out our blog all about the value of Strategic Pillars to learn more.

Why Use Strategic Pillars:

  • Clarity and Focus: Help clarify the organization’s strategic priorities and focus efforts on key areas.
  • Long-Term Alignment: Ensure that all initiatives and activities are aligned with the organization’s long-term goals.
  • Guidance: Provide clear guidance for decision-making and resource allocation.
  • Communication: Simplify the communication of the organization’s strategy to stakeholders.

Using Strategic Pillars with OKRs:

  • Alignment: Ensure that Objectives and Key Results (OKRs) align with the strategic pillars, providing a clear link between daily activities and long-term strategy.
  • Focus: Use strategic pillars to set focused and relevant OKRs that drive progress in key areas.
  • Measurement: Track progress towards achieving strategic pillars through the outcomes of relevant OKRs.

Example of Strategic Pillars with OKRs:

  • Strategic Pillar: Community Engagement
    • Objective: Increase community participation in programs.
      • Key Result 1: Host 12 community events over the next year.
      • Key Result 2: Increase volunteer sign-ups by 25%.
      • Key Result 3: Partner with 5 local organizations for joint initiatives.

By defining and utilizing Strategic Pillars, organizations can ensure that all efforts are aligned with their long-term mission and vision. This approach provides clarity, focus, and a solid foundation for strategic planning, decision-making, and resource allocation over multiple years.