Strategic Planning Key Terminology

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Key Result

In the context of OKRs (Objectives and Key Results), a Key Result is a specific, measurable outcome that indicates progress toward achieving an objective. Key Results provide clear, quantifiable benchmarks that define what success looks like for each objective, allowing organizations to track progress and ensure that their goals are being met effectively. Each Key Result must be both necessary and sufficient to complete its target objective, ensuring comprehensive and focused efforts.

Key aspects of Key Results include:

  • Specificity: Key Results are precise and clearly defined, outlining exactly what needs to be achieved.
  • Measurability: They are quantifiable, allowing for objective assessment of progress. Metrics such as numbers, percentages, or milestones are used to measure outcomes.
  • Alignment with Objectives: Each Key Result directly supports an objective, ensuring that achieving the Key Result contributes to the overall goal.
  • Necessary: Each Key Result must be essential for achieving the objective.
  • Sufficient: Collectively, all Key Results should be enough to fully achieve the objective. If all Key Results are met, the objective should be considered accomplished.
  • Time-Bound: Key Results have a defined time frame within which they need to be achieved, providing a sense of urgency and focus.

Best practices for setting Key Results:

  • Limit to 3-5 Key Results per Objective: Focusing on 3-5 Key Results per objective ensures that efforts are concentrated on the most critical outcomes and prevents dilution of focus.
  • Ensure Necessity and Sufficiency: Each Key Result should be essential for achieving the objective, and collectively, they should be enough to complete it.
  • Use Clear Metrics: Define Key Results with clear, quantifiable metrics to facilitate easy tracking and assessment.
  • Align with Strategic Goals: Ensure that all Key Results are aligned with the broader strategic objectives of the organization.

At StratSimple we recommend building out Key Results from three perspectives:

  • Leading Key Results: How do you know you're making progress towards your objective out of the gate? These KRs help predict future performance.
  • Lagging Key Results: At the end of the goal period, how will you know that the objective was completed? These look back and measure outcomes.
  • Counterbalancing Key Results: What are the unintended consequences from being too focused on your goal? How do we plan for them and mitigate the risk?

Examples of Key Results are:

  • Objective: Increase Community Engagement:
    • Key Results
      • Achieve a 25% increase in volunteer sign-ups by the end of the quarter.
      • Host 10 community outreach events with at least 100 attendees each.
      • Secure 5 new partnerships with local organizations to support outreach efforts.
  • Objective: Enhance Donor Contributions:
    • Key Results
      • Increase the number of recurring donors by 15% within six months.
      • Raise $100,000 in donations through a new fundraising campaign by year-end.
      • Achieve a 90% donor satisfaction rate through improved communication and engagement strategies.
  • Objective: Improve Program Impact:
    • Key Results:
      • Increase the number of program beneficiaries by 30% over the next year.
      • Achieve a 95% satisfaction rate among program participants.
      • Secure 3 new grants to expand program offerings and reach.