Strategic Planning Key Terminology

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In the context of strategic planning and performance management, a goal is a high-level term that encompasses any target or desired outcome an organization aims to achieve. Goals can take various forms, including Objectives, Key Results (KRs), Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), and Initiatives. Essentially, a goal is something that needs to be done to drive the organization forward and achieve success.

Within Strategic Planning, important goal types are:

  • Objectives: Broad, overarching aims that set the direction for the organization. Objectives are typically qualitative, inspirational, and provide a clear vision of what the organization wants to achieve.
  • Key Results (KRs): Specific, measurable outcomes that indicate progress towards an objective. KRs are quantitative and help track whether the organization is on track to meet its objectives.
  • Key Performance Indicators (KPIs): Metrics used to evaluate the health of an organization or a particular activity. KPIs provide ongoing measurement and assessment of performance.
  • Initiatives: Projects or actions undertaken to achieve specific objectives or key results. Initiatives are the steps or activities that drive progress towards the goals.

By understanding and utilizing the concept of goals in various forms—Objectives, Key Results, KPIs, and Initiatives—organizations can effectively plan, execute, and achieve their strategic priorities, driving sustained success and growth.